G7 sounds a little like an international economic summit. In flexography it represents the highest level of certification you can achieve for color management. At Printron you’ll meet one of the world’s most renowned color experts in Bill Weber. Not content to be one of a few hundred IDEAlliance G7 Expert certified color analysts in the world, Bill is one of the select few to have also earned Color Management Professional Master status.
What does all of this mean for our customers and industry partners?
G7® Expert Certification — Is IDEAlliance’s industry-leading set of best practices for achieving gray balance and is the driving force for achieving visual similarity across all print processes. It assures faster make-readies for better efficiency, fewer costly onsite press checks, and consistency across all printing types and substrates.
Color Management Professional® (CMP) Master Trainer Certification — Allows Printron to provide customers with improved color accuracy, brand color integrity, color-managed workflows, and the ability to control image and application color. This Certification requires the successful completion of programs in CM Fundamentals, CM for Printing, CM for Premedia and CM for Photography in addition to the G7® Expert Certification.
But that’s not all…
G7® Master status also allows Printron to certify any printer as a G7® Master Printer, which signifies you are “G7® Qualified” and adhere to the G7® Proof-to-Print Process.