Direct print corrugated industry manufacturers attending FTA INFOFLEX 2018:
This one-of-a-kind session is for you!

Printron Vice President Jack Fulton and Geoff Roznak color/tech manager at Great Northern Corp. co-chaired this session uniquely geared toward the direct print corrugated industry.
Why? To address the biggest issues and trends facing the industry today.
According to Jack: “Box makers today need to be able to provide the best possible solutions for their customers. Having the most high-tech, modern and efficient equipment is becoming a necessity for survival in an increasingly competitive market.”
Corrugated printers today are bombarded with the idea that digital print will take away the high graphics segment from the market and that flexo can’t compete from a quality standpoint. In this session, three leading high-end OEM press manufacturers and industry experts will address this head on. While demonstrating how today’s technology improves registration capability and allows corrugaters to print higher line screens than ever before, they will show that the direct print flexographic market is alive and well, and will be for years to come!
6 Key Takeaways You’ll Leave With:
- Changes that the high-end direct print market has seen in recent years.
- Market and consumer trends contributing to the demands being put on printers today.
- New technological advancements that can help you stay competitive in a rapidly changing industry.
- How evolving technology can improve your business practices, manage your purchase decisions and increase your productivity.
- How flexography will compete in an ever-advancing digital world and what it means for you.
- The newest registration technology in the corrugated industry and how you can benefit from it.
Session Information:
What: Advanced Corrugated Technologies: A Business Case
When: Tuesday, May 8th, 1:30 PM
Where: INFOFLEX 2018: The Indiana Convention Center Room 140
Something to note: This session is available to anyone attending INFOFLEX2018.
Session Presenters:

“Flexo Postprint Meets Litho Print” Presented by Andre Goepfert, Goepfert Maschinen GmbH

“CorruCut RDC & CorruFlex Printer” Presented by Martin Corall, KBA-Flexotecnia

“New Bobst THQ FlexoCloud Technology” Presented by Tom Phillips, Bobst North America